Lifecycle of a Spring Bean in an ApplicationContext?
The lifecycle of a Spring bean looks like this:
• Spring bean configuration is read and metadata in the form of a BeanDefinition object is created for each bean.
• All instances of BeanFactoryPostProcessor are invoked in sequence and are allowed an opportunity to alter the bean metadata.
• For each bean in the container:
◦ An instance of the bean is created using the bean metadata.
◦ Properties and dependencies of the bean are set.
◦ Any instances of BeanPostProcessor are given a chance to process the new bean
instance before and after initialization.
▪ Any methods in the bean implementation class annotated with @PostConstruct are invoked.
This processing is performed by a BeanPostProcessor.
▪ Any afterPropertiesSet method in a bean implementation class implementing the InitializingBean interface is invoked. This processing is performed by a BeanPostProcessor. If the same initialization method has already been invoked, it will not be invoked again.
▪ Any custom bean initialization method is invoked. Bean initialization methods can be specified either in the value of the init-method attribute in the corresponding <bean> element in a Spring XML configuration or in
the initMethod property of the @Bean annotation. This processing is performed by a BeanPostProcessor. If the same initialization method has already been invoked, it will not be invoked again.
▪ The bean is ready for use.
• When the Spring application context is to shut down, the beans in it will receive destruction callbacks in this order:
▪ Any methods in the bean implementation class annotated with @PreDestroy are invoked.
▪ Any destroy method in a bean implementation class implementing the
DisposableBean interface is invoked. If the same destruction method has already been invoked, it will not be invoked again.
▪ Any custom bean destruction method is invoked.
Bean destruction methods can be specified either in the value of the destroy-method attribute in the corresponding <bean> element in a Spring XML configuration or in the destroyMethod property of the @Bean annotation.
If the same destruction method has already been invoked, it will not be invoked again.